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Another pair of running shoes and no more shin splints!

May 14, 2009

I can’t believe it’s been over a week since my last post! I’ve been running, but I just feel unmotivated to blog about anything. Good things are happening, though, and I wanted to share with all of my wonderful readers as well as document things for myself.

I got a new pair of shoes on Saturday and I have logged seven glorious miles without any shin pain! Yea buddy! Two doctors visits and two shoe stores later, I went to the New Balance store and was lucky enough to be assisted by the wonderful manager, Jeff, who literally spent two hours with me while I tried on different shoes, different insoles ran around outside to see how I liked them. Now, I’m a mild pronator with medium arches who people want to put in a stability/motion control shoe. Makes sense, right? Except that it’s possible that being in the stability/motion control shoe was actually causing my shin splints. Lovely. I guess that’s why the second store put me into the Brooks Glycerin – except that they were too big so they weren’t offering enough support for my feet. I ended up with the New Balance 883 cushioning shoe with an arch support and I love them! I have also been doing lots of calf stretches and working on strengthening my shin muscles so I know that it’s helping too. I do realize that I still need to keep tabs on them to make sure that it doesn’t develop into something more serious, but for now I’m super excited to be running without shin pain.

C and I are running in our third race on Saturday and we’re both feeling kinda “eh” about it. I think it’s because we are so just so exhausted and ready for the school year to be over! I would really rather sleep in than run three miles but we are signed up so we’ll muster and I’m sure it will be a lot of fun.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. teacherwoman permalink
    May 14, 2009 9:15 pm

    New kicks are so exciting. However, I am a bit disappointed that you didn’t post a picture of those beauties! LOL

    Glad to hear you are running pain free! Wahoo!

  2. SweetPea permalink
    May 14, 2009 9:19 pm

    You are too funny! I have been trying to get hubby to take a picture of me with them since Saturday and finally gave up and attempted to use the timer and do it myself, but the picture I took was too horrible to post, haha! Pictures to come on at the race on Saturday and I’ll be sure to get a good one of the shoes 🙂

  3. Sharon permalink
    May 14, 2009 9:50 pm

    I hear you on wanting the school year over and not getting up so early in the morning! I haven’t been the best lately, as I just want to stay up late and watch TV (especially with season finales). Don’t worry though, I have my schedule all made out for the summer.

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