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Git R Done!

January 10, 2010

After my breakfast post and being such a grump to Carl I decided that I needed to put my big girl panties on and go for a run.  I knew I’d be disappointed in myself if I didn’t go and now that I’m back I’m so glad that I went.  Before I left I jokingly told Carl to come looking for me if I was gone longer than an hour and a half and bundled up – gloves, UA running shirt, new Nike long sleeved shirt, ear warmers, NWM sweatshirt, and two pairs of pants – and was out the door.

It was COLD when I started but I quickly warmed up and started taking off my layers so I’m glad that I wore them!  I only made it about a half mile before I took off my gloves, three miles later my sweatshirt came off and then about half a mile from home I took off my Nike long sleeved shirt.  Right after I took off my Nike shirt Carl drove up because I’d been gone longer than I thought I would be because I made a short pitstop at Publix right before mile three to blow my nose and go to the bathroom.  He jumped the gun a bit and came looking for me a little bit early, and I’d forgotten how long it takes me to run six miles, so I handed over all of my discarded clothing and water bottle and booked the last bit home.

Today’s stats:
Distance – 6 miles
Mile 1 – 11:44
Mile 2 – 11:56
Mile 3 – 12:31
Mile 4 – 12:41 (took a GU)
Mile 5 – 12:28
Mile 6 – 11:15
Time – 1:12:35
Avg. pace – 12:06’/mi
Fastest pace – 9:59’/mi

While this stuff may not seem all that great for some of my speedier blog friends out there, this is awesome for me because the last time I ran six miles was before the Nike Women’s Marathon and nearly all of my mile times were between a 12:41’/mi pace and a 13:14’/mi pace because I was doing a 2:30 run (or 2:00 run) to a 1:00 walk.  I’m now able to run almost constantly, only taking a few short walk breaks during an entire run.  Apparently even though I feel like I’ve lost fitness, I’m able to run a bit faster and for longer periods of time before I need to walk. Yea for progress!

For lunch I had a few unpictured handfuls of Monster Mix from Target (peanuts, M&Ms, chocolate and pb chips) while I waited on a MorningStar Farms black bean burger to cook up while Carl made a turkey burger.  Carl made some homemade potato chips using some red potatoes that I bought from Costco.  He topped them with salt, pepper, season salt and “some other kind of spice” and they were good!  He also made a spread with sour cream, black olives, red pepper and blue cheese crumbles that we topped our burgers with.  I am so thankful that my husband likes to cook!

I think I’m going to take a nap and then make my way to Publix at some point tonight.  I’m not super excited about going but after I get some rest I think I’ll feel better.  I know six miles isn’t a terribly long run, but I’d forgotten how tired/sore I get as the miles increase.  After today’s run I feel a lot more confident that I’ll be okay to run the half marathon of 26.2 with Donna.  Fingers crossed!

Do you always feel prepared for a race? I think this is the first one that I really don’t feel prepared to do, although one could argue that I wasn’t prepared for the Nike Women’s Marathon either!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. January 10, 2010 6:31 pm

    I can honestly say that most of my races I hadn’t felt prepared! LOL. But I completed them all!

    Nice job on the run! You are getting speedy!

  2. January 10, 2010 10:00 pm

    Yea! I’m so glad you went for the run and KNEW you would feel good afterword (because I did yesterday). And you are getting so super speedy! I want to give you a big congratulatory hug 🙂

    I don’t think you can say you don’t feel prepared being that you still have 6 weeks before the race. That means you still have 4 weeks to increase mileage and 2 weeks to taper…and some half plans don’t have that much of a taper so you could go 5-1 if you feel you need.

    As far as feeling prepared, though, I think everyone (except maybe professionals) wishes they would have done more/faster/better workouts at some point. That’s why running keeps you coming back for more.

    Dinner, BTW, looks delish. And, yes, you are so lucky that Carl loves to cook 🙂

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